Design a tool to enable brands to build their own comparison tables for their products, that will be available on over 1600 global retailers.
Getting started
Every project requires a well-defined process, and this one was no exception. We adhered to the principles of the design thinking process, an ideology that priorities placing the user at the forefront, also known as user-centered design. This ideolgy has 6 main steps to follow but by no means is this a lineal process it's often thought of as cyclical.
step 1
This one of the fundamental stages in the design thinking process. This is where we get a good understanding and empathise with the people for whom we're designing for. This step helped us gain deep insights into the needs, behaviours and emotions of our users.
step 2
This step helped ensure that the design solution(s) were user-centred and aligned with the real needs and goals of the people they are designing for. We used this step for framing the design problem and ensuring that we had a clear and shared understanding of the user's needs and the issues at hand.
step 3
This step was the creative part, where wireframes of potential solutions were produced along with brainstorming different ideas a lot of which didn't make the cut.
step 4
Once I had produced some wireframes and shared them with stakeholders for feedback, I begun to make these ideas into a Axure prototype. I wanted to create as real experience as possible for user testing, so that I could really study the user's behaviour when interacting with the tool.
step 5
One of the most important steps in my opinion and one of the most enjoyable. For this exercise I decided to user test in person to really study the user's behaviour to identify any flaws or sticking points within the user interface.
Myself and the product manager, recruited five users to test the prototype, mainly project managers as these and brand managers are going to be the main users. We conducted the user testing sessions in the office individually. We set the project managers a task to do and asked them to think out loud when completing the task.
"Dyson have come to us with a request for a new comparison table, to compare three vacuum products in their range and they want this to be displayed on a product page".The comparison table needs to match the following criteria:Country needs to be English UKPrimary language needs to be English (UK)(en)Available on all retailers
"The process isn't difficult but it takes a bit of guesswork. Each section is quite simple but having slightly clearer signposting e.g. this step to do this then this step may make it even simpler".
"I felt the process was very easy and having the step by step modules made it clear what needed to be done at each stage".
"Attributes & Product Specification Upload section: all the instructions are there. However, it took me a while to understand how this section work, I would probably rethink of the layout to make it more intuitive".
"Attributes & Product Specification Upload section: all the instructions are there. However, it took me a while to understand how this section work, I would probably rethink of the layout to make it more intuitive".
step 6
I scheduled in a final run through with tech, just to make sure they were clear on the detail of what they were meant to be building. We had previous run throughs with the tech team to show them the prototype so this was just a final check to make sure they had everything that they needed.